Friday, October 21, 2011

One week ago we met...and it's been love ever since ;)

Don't get too excited...I'm talking about my new iPhone 4s. Don't judge me ;) I definitely am loving my new phone. I thought I would have the shakes after parting ways with my Blackberry but I can't think of one reason why I'd want to go back to Blackberry. Not just that but I went back to Verizon after 7 years and I'm happy to say all is well on that end. T-Mobile was an absolute nightmare. I won't say Verizon is's been a week but so far so good!!

Google Maps
Instagram- such an awesome ap for pictures.
The Weather Channel
My Verizon
iMailG (for my work email)
Chicago Trib

My Disk
Big Button
Pic Frame

Are you an iPhone user? What am I missing?!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wow 29 is creeping closer, it's about a month away. My birthday that is. I can't say that I am ready for it. This morning I spent some serious time thinking about whether or not I was going to celebrate it. My hesitation was that yet another year older and not closer to what I really want in life. I decided that it's much better to look at it as an end to a rough year, and a new year where I have unlimited opportunity. Sometimes I think birthdays are much better starts than New Years. The older I get the more I realize I don't know whats next. I cannot control things as much as I thought I would be able to. I think I need to stop putting so much pressure on myself because I don't have the power to wiggle my nose and make things happen. Maybe age at 29 I will finally give myself a break and maybe taking a step back and a deep breath will help me get to where I need to be this year....where ever that may be.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Fear of What's Next...

The fear of what comes next has always been a big one for me, especially when I cannot plan it ahead of time. I have spent too much time in life trying to super plan every step of my life when I think I need to just take a step back and find the right opportunity. It may not fit into the plan that I already have but quite frankly that plan is as flawed as they come. I thought long and hard about what was most important. Before it was living in Chicago and finding an opportunity here. I think I was looking at things wrong. The best opportunity needs to come first. I think I may have to be ready to take a risk and maybe even make a move to really find success.

I have a fear of what will happen next and where will it take me. I know I have to stop living so close to safety though. Moving across the United States may be what it takes. I may be that woman climbs to the top of the most amazing companies, but that for sure is not going to come to me. I have to work hard to go to it and find it. The idea of moving absolutely frightens me especially because I do not know many people in other main cities. I just want what is best for myself and my family. I want to see them more and regardless of distance, I have to be able to afford the trips. I do not want to be paying Sallie Mae off for the rest of my life. I want to pay Sallie Mae off while I can still enjoy life. I want to buy a new car. These are all things I cannot do when I jump from small opportunity to small opportunity, time for something great. Age 29 is quickly approaching, its time to really take the wheel back and control my life and not cruise through. Wish me luck :)
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