Monday, November 14, 2011

Almost 29...time to reflect on this past year

I am almost TWENTY-NINE years old! I created a 28 things to do while I am 28 list and I want to reflect on those things and see what I can improve upon for 29! 28 was not a great year for me but I want to brush it to the side and take on the world at 29. Making notes next to my old list will really help me be accountable for knowing what I want and not going for it. 

  1. GET IN SHAPE…shed some extra lbs. I actually dropped 15 lbs in the span of this year. I need to get back to the gym though so I don't pack them back on! 
  2. Enjoy life…figure out what my “happiness” is and how to start traveling towards it. Still haven't figured this out but I am working on it :) 
  3. Date a better quality of men. No more D-bags for age 28!! Ah....lets just say I hit rock bottom with this so yet again another year to look forward to it being better. 
  4. Visit my family in Ohio more. A few measly times a year is not acceptable!! I didn't have a lot of chances to go home but I did make a surprise visit to see my brand new nephew.
  5. Make some new friends! I definitely did that this year and am looking forward to making many more.
  6. Travel to Miami to see my bestie Devon. I didn't get to do that this year nor did I get to see NYC #7.
  7. Travel to NYC to see my good friend Nicole and just see NYC for the first time
  8. Start a new career path, one that will be the one I was meant to travel one. I DID IT!! I made it into the internet industry in sales. Finally #8 I can check you off. I truly hope that this opportunity really launches a better me and a better future.
  9. Get over my fear of flying, or at least make an attempt and get on a plane. Another one that I did. I took a trip to NC for work! This was perfect because I couldn't even think twice about flying. I had to do it!
  10.  Get a new car!! Vroom Vroom. Not even close to this....but my old girl is hanging in there. 
  11. Waste less time online tweeting & facebooking. I realized social media isn't a waste at all and the time I spend online doing it is very valuable. I met a lot of great business people and friends!! Social media rocks and I'm going to continue to stalk it ;)
  12. Blog more (not a waste of online time). I unfortunately was so bad at that this past year but I want to get better. I want to have guest bloggers and more followers. I love hearing feedback. 
  13. Volunteer for a nonprofit that I actually care for. Still have somewhat of a bad taste in my mouth from nonprofit and the complete disgracefulness that I have seen behind doors. I'm going to continue to take a break for now and just work on me as a person. 
  14. Look into becoming a mentor to kids. On the To Do list of the future. Becoming a better me first can only benefit everyone in the future. 
  15.  Get a new tattoo or two. “Just Breathe” first' Not yet but it will happen. Refer back to #1...gotta get my ass in shape first lol. 
  16. Drink a lot less pop, like 75% less than what I drink now. This has been tough. My pop drinking is at an all time high right now but now that I'm looking at this I'm going to put the pressure on myself 
  17. CHILL OUT...stop stressing about everything. Life will work out. Hahaha....will I ever do this? It's just my nature. 
  18. Convince my roommate to sign a 2nd year lease in our townhome :) Aww...he did but then he had to leave for work. Miss him! 
  19. Find some hobbies that get me out and enjoying life. Spent some more quality time with friends just having good conversation.
  20. Go to more festivals and Chicago activities. I think I did that this past year. Got out to some unique events this year. 
  21. Wear a dress. Ok this sounds weird but I have been wearing one a year and it was for a gala I did, and now that I'm no longer involved I need to really push myself to do this.  Haha not gonna happen once during age 28.
  22. Let my family and friends know how much they mean to me. I really hope they know this but I do tell them frequently. I even like to tell them on FB sometimes to embarrass them lol. 
  23. Take more pictures to remember the great memories with those I care about. Still need to do more of that. 
  24. Go to a Michigan Wolverines football game. I didn't get to do that but I have truly enjoyed a kick ass season!
  25. Stop shaving and start getting waxed..I know TMI, but hey it's MY list :) Need to switch over 100%.
  26. Add a few colors other than black into my wardrobe. Color has entered my wardrobe lol. There will be more to come but I just love black I can't help it. 
  27. Stop having so many phobias and face my fears and overcome them. I'm still a wuss...this will go on my next list lol.
  28. Vote for Rahm Emanuel to be the next Mayor of Chicago!! I DID!! He won!!

Items in blue are completed.
Items in red were not done but lets not give up!

29 THINGS TO DO WHILE 29....coming soon!
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